The God Account™ is not written by a pastor, missionary or theologian. It is authored by a businessman who, 40 years ago, was utterly destroyed financially and devastated physically. At one of the lowest points of his life, God led this man and his wife to Malachi 3:10:

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” — New International Version

With virtually nothing between them and financial bankruptcy, they decided as a last hope to take God up on His challenge.

This booklet is a true story of God’s faithfulness to His promises and His people. It is a story of financial and physical restoration, amid hair-raising and faith-building experiences – and how God touched many, many people throughout the world in the process.

Not only will you find it an exciting story to read, but you just might find yourself establishing your own God Account – and deeply touching the lives of others.


“The God Account is one of the most powerful books on giving that I have ever read. My congregation and I have distributed these booklets by the thousands. So many people have read it and started their own God Accounts and found that God is indeed faithful to His Word.”

Ellis McKenzie, Pastor
Riviera Beach, FL

“I just finished reading ‘The God Account,’ and wow! I loved it. I have done some training sessions on Christian financial planning and wish I had had it to give to every participant.”

Bob Brydges
Minneapolis, MN

“We thought we were tithing, mentally setting aside money to give, and actually giving it most months. Then we read ‘The God Account.’ We opened a separate checking account and transferred our tithe (our first fruits) to our God Account, before any of our income is used for our daily expenses. Not only are we able to meet our previous donation commitments, but we are experiencing more joy than ever, and there always seems to be just enough left in the account to support ‘special needs’ as the Lord brings them our way. ‘The God Account’ really works.”

Ron and Sue Trainis
Bloomington, MN

“This small, but powerful book is a proven way to multiply your impact in the world.”

Dave Ping, Executive Director
Equipping Ministries International
Cincinnati, OH

“My brother, who has the gift of giving, and his wife has started a God Account and are having great fun dispersing blessings to others that God directs them to bless. Fun stuff!”

Terry Fisher
Cincinnati, OH

“I was deeply moved, several times to tears, while reading ‘The God Account.’ This powerful booklet detailing a very creative approach to responsible stewardship will change the way you think about tithing.‘The God Account’ is a must read for every believer and will ignite a passion within to use the resources God has entrusted to us to seriously advance His Kingdom.”

Rev. Dennis McKeever
Missionary, Evangelist